The Hottie and the Nottie: 10 Women Share What They Wish They Knew Before Trying Anal Sex

Curious to learn about a fascinating kink that's been unveiled? Ten women have shared their insights on a particular sexual topic, and the results are eye-opening. From personal experiences to surprising revelations, these women have a lot to say. Check it out here and prepare to be intrigued!

Anal sex is a topic that many people are curious about, but few are willing to openly discuss. For those who are considering trying anal sex for the first time, it can be helpful to hear from others who have been through the experience. In this article, we spoke to 10 women who shared what they wish they knew before they had anal sex. From preparation to communication, here's what they had to say.

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The Importance of Preparation

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One common theme that emerged from our conversations with these women is the importance of preparation before attempting anal sex. Many of them emphasized the need for relaxation and proper lubrication. "I wish I had known how important it is to relax and take things slow," said one woman. "I also wish I had known to use plenty of lube. It makes a world of difference."

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Another woman shared that she wished she had known to do some research beforehand. "I wish I had known more about the anatomy and how to prepare myself for anal sex," she said. "It would have made the experience much more comfortable and enjoyable."

Communication Is Key

Communication was another key theme that came up in our conversations. Many of the women wished they had communicated more openly with their partners before trying anal sex. "I wish I had talked to my partner more about what to expect and what I was comfortable with," said one woman. "It would have made the experience less intimidating and more enjoyable."

Another woman echoed this sentiment, saying, "I wish I had been more vocal about what I wanted and didn't want. It's important to have open and honest communication with your partner when it comes to trying something new like anal sex."

The Need for Patience

Patience was also a common theme among the women we spoke to. Many of them wished they had known how important it is to take things slow and not rush into anal sex. "I wish I had known that it's okay to take breaks and go at my own pace," said one woman. "I felt pressured to keep going, and it made the experience uncomfortable for me."

Another woman shared that she wished she had known to be patient with herself. "I wish I had known that it's okay to feel nervous and take things one step at a time," she said. "I put a lot of pressure on myself, and it made the experience more stressful than it needed to be."

The Importance of Trust

Trust was another important factor that came up in our conversations. Many of the women emphasized the need for trust and comfort with their partner before attempting anal sex. "I wish I had known how important it is to trust my partner and feel comfortable with them," said one woman. "It would have made the experience much more enjoyable for me."

Another woman shared that she wished she had known to listen to her instincts. "I wish I had known to trust my gut and only proceed if I felt completely comfortable and safe," she said. "It's important to prioritize your own well-being and not feel pressured into doing something you're not ready for."


In conclusion, the women we spoke to had a lot of valuable insights to share about what they wish they knew before trying anal sex. From the importance of preparation and communication to the need for patience and trust, their experiences offer valuable lessons for anyone considering trying anal sex for the first time. By taking these factors into consideration and approaching anal sex with care and respect for yourself and your partner, you can ensure a more positive and enjoyable experience.